
Artist’s Manifesto

When something is a part of our DNA and is considered a natural gift, then the adequate usage of that gift becomes our moral obligation. However, I never thought of art as an obligation – but as of my essential need to express my vision of essence.

Art knows no differences – it actually binds them into a coherent whole.

I believe in art and science, hence in my everyday work I strive to join two spheres as diverse as art and mathematics. Inspired by Fibonacci, geometry, the golden ratio and ratios in general, numbers, proportions and shapes that can be found in both, mathematics and nature, I magically join them to create aesthetically appealing proportions. The universe spins in spirals while these little artistic sculptures and installations spin in my small art studio, taking me deeper into innovative ideas where I form basic and creative shapes by implementing mathematical principles into my works of art.


I am Viktorija Janić, a visual artist, human being with a creative mind who not only enjoys her work - I passionately love what I do. I love to unique creative passion. I dedicated the second half of my life to creating work of art on a two or three-dimensional surface using various tools, paper, glue, paint and my own hands, while creating something that can evoke an emotional response or can stimulate the observer's intellect, or it could be both.

Copyright © Viktorija Janić 2022. All rights reserved.