
Art colony of Tamburitza Fest enriches Danube Park

31 August 2022

By B. Pavković

Novi Sad: The traditional art colony of Tamburitza fest, held last weekend in Danube Park, gathered a group of ten artists who created pieces related to the topics of “Ethnomusicology – art – tambourine.”

Photo: Dnevnik

This assembly, chosen by Danilo Vuksanović, the art director of Gallery of Matica srpska and the selector of the Art colony of “Tamburitza Fest 2022,” in the ambiance of Danube Park, consisted of the legendary Ratko Šoć, Snežana Mandić, Viktorija Janić, Kolja Obrovski, Miladin Zorić, Marko Milović, Vladislav Šešlija, Nenad Ignjatov, Miloš Ostojić and Aleksandar Lukić. Their colorful appearance enhanced the primarily work atmosphere which soon shifted towards friendly chatter with the numerous and curios passersby.

– What matters most is that we continued the tradition and that each participant contributed to the painters’ perception of tambourine art, Vuksanović claims. – Their complete production will be presented to the public in a special exhibition, which is to be held in November 2022.

One of our most prominent artists, the author of the famous song, “Eight tambouriners from Petrovaradin” (Serbian: Osam tamburaša s Petrovaradina), Ratko Šoć sang the original version of his verses accompanied by the entire group and by Kolja Obrovski on his guitar. The lyrics of this version, written long time ago, slightly differ from the popular song we all know and love.

This year’s event ended by the gathering of the organizer and the participants in the famous csarda-restaurant of the Association of sport fishermen and the fishing village “Kamenjar,” where the fish stew was traditionally served.



I am Viktorija Janić, a visual artist, human being with a creative mind who not only enjoys her work - I passionately love what I do. I love to unique creative passion. I dedicated the second half of my life to creating work of art on a two or three-dimensional surface using various tools, paper, glue, paint and my own hands, while creating something that can evoke an emotional response or can stimulate the observer's intellect, or it could be both.

Copyright © Viktorija Janić 2022. All rights reserved.