Adam and Eve – The Ancestral Sin

Paper Filigree
Styrofoam, cardboard, paper, paper dust, glue, UV resistant gloss, VARNISH

According to the Bible, God created Adam by breathing sprinkle of dust over his nostrils. Subsequently, God next created Eve, from one of Adam’s ribs, giving her life, but forbidden them to eat the fruit of one single tree, the “Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil,” warning them if they disobey, their lives would be taken from them and they would die. In the Garden of Eden a serpent emerged, persuaded Eve, then Eve convinces Adam, to eat the fruit from the forbidden tree; hence, they all violated the God’s commandment and committed sin. That is why the original sin utterly refers to all of them, to the serpent, and to Adam and Eve. Aware of their sin, covered with aprons made of fig leaves, and with a curse were forever banished from the Garden of Eden.

The Biblical story is narrated in this work of art, as well as results of evil, sin and suffering.


I am Viktorija Janić, a visual artist, human being with a creative mind who not only enjoys her work - I passionately love what I do. I love to unique creative passion. I dedicated the second half of my life to creating work of art on a two or three-dimensional surface using various tools, paper, glue, paint and my own hands, while creating something that can evoke an emotional response or can stimulate the observer's intellect, or it could be both.

Copyright © Viktorija Janić 2022. All rights reserved.