Symphony of the Forest

Paper Filigree
Styrofoam, cardboard, paper, paper dust, acrylic paints, glue, UV resistant gloss, VARNISH

This installation represents the gifts of our nature. Coniferous pines are among the oldest plant genera in the whole world. Pine is a symbol of immortality and eternal life. It signifies uprightness, sincerity, honor, strong character, vitality, fertility, silence and solitude.

Ancient civilizations were used pinecones in the art of architecture, sculpture and paintings. The hard oval-shaped fruit of a conifer, a pinecone, it is full of seeds, it represents its fruitfulness. Its design forms a perfect Fibonacci spiral sequence.

In the artwork also are represented owls, night birds, which were faithful companions of the goddess of wisdom, Athena. The owl itself is the keeper of ancient knowledge; it has the ability to predict, to sense, and to see events in the future tense. A wise, intelligent and powerful bird has become a symbol of learned people. Their flying is silent, but the roar is three-dimensional and creates the feeling of a large group of instrumentalists performing a complete symphony. The artwork shows an owl family in ideal living conditions.


I am Viktorija Janić, a visual artist, human being with a creative mind who not only enjoys her work - I passionately love what I do. I love to unique creative passion. I dedicated the second half of my life to creating work of art on a two or three-dimensional surface using various tools, paper, glue, paint and my own hands, while creating something that can evoke an emotional response or can stimulate the observer's intellect, or it could be both.

Copyright © Viktorija Janić 2022. All rights reserved.